- Anaconda navigator pc update packages command line how to#
- Anaconda navigator pc update packages command line install#
- Anaconda navigator pc update packages command line code#
The session below illustrates how to activate iraf27 and set up a new IRAF environment working directory. In order to use IRAF you must activate the iraf27 environment. Users/computationalphysics/anaconda/bin/python The session below illustrates the effect of source deactivate. All other Terminal windows continue to use the default environment.

Warning: Activating an environment in a particular Terminal window only effects that terminal session and programs spawned from that session. The command source deactivate deactivates the environment returns the Terminal window to the default root environment. The command ipython -matplotlib runs IPython with a switch that sets-up IPython to do interactive plotting. The which python command isn't necessary, but it was included to verify the path to the current environment is correct. Object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object?' for extra details. ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. IPython 5.1.0 - An enhanced Interactive Python. Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. Users/computationalphysics/anaconda/envs/astroconda/bin/python For example if you wanted to run ipython in the astroconda environment you would use the following commands. You don't need to do anything to activate the root environment, but to activate the other environments you issue the command source activate environment_name.

For general purpose programming the default root environment is probably best. Installing these environments allows you to use whichever version of Python you need.
Anaconda navigator pc update packages command line code#
Again, it's a large amount of code so it will take a few minutes to install. You will again be prompted to proceed with the installation. $ conda create -n iraf27 python=2.7 iraf-all pyraf-all stsci
Anaconda navigator pc update packages command line install#

Just type y or hit to accept the installation. This command will generate some output and then will display the prompt Proceed (/n)?.